This tool, called, helps merchants easily create and manage their online stores. It uses AI technology to make the process quick and simple, without needing any technical skills or coding knowledge. Some key features of this tool include optimizing pages for search engines, creating online stores within seconds, managing stores from smartphones, customizing the look of stores, managing inventory and pricing, integrating payment gateways and shipping providers, and providing secure hosting. nnThis tool can be used by small businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals to set up their online stores. It also helps to increase online visibility through AI-driven SEO optimization, manage e-commerce operations from mobile devices, sell products or services online with inventory management and secure payment processing, and track store performance through analytics. With, merchants can take advantage of AI e-commerce tools, such as personalized recommendations, efficient inventory management, and enhanced customer support. These tools can be used in various situations, like suggesting relevant products to customers based on their preferences, predicting demand and automating restocking, and using AI-powered chatbots to assist customers.

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