

This tool called Parabolic is a very advanced and smart customer support assistant. It helps customer support teams solve customer issues faster. It works together with other software like Intercom, Zendesk, and Helpscout to make customer support easier. Here are some important things it can do:
1. Understand Customer Intent: Parabolic knows what customers are asking for and can suggest answers that are both general and specific to each customer.
2. Have Conversations with Customers: Parabolic can talk back and forth with customers, making sure their support experience is smooth.
3. Find Opportunities for Sales: Parabolic can identify when there’s a chance to sell more to a customer based on what they need or what’s bothering them.
4. Organize Customer Questions: Parabolic automatically puts customer questions into categories, so it’s easier to manage and respond to them.
5. Keep a Knowledge Base: Parabolic saves all the past answers, even for questions that aren’t asked very often, so support agents can find information quickly.
Here are some cases where Parabolic can be really useful:
– Customer support teams who want to make their ticket resolution faster and improve how quickly they answer customers.n- Businesses that use Intercom, Zendesk, or Helpscout and want a smart assistant to help with customer support.n- Support agents who have a lot of customers asking questions and need help drafting responses and giving good recommendations.n- Companies that want to use their support data to make better customer support that is personalized.
Parabolic is a strong tool that uses AI to make customer support better.

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