KI-Tools im Gesundheitswesen

KI-Tools im Gesundheitswesen verändern nicht nur die Branche; Sie gestalten die Zukunft der Patientenversorgung und -behandlung neu. Stellen Sie sich eine Welt vor, in der die Früherkennung von Krankheiten zur Norm und nicht zur Ausnahme wird. Stellen Sie sich ein Gesundheitssystem vor, das personalisierte Behandlungspläne bereitstellt, das Patientenverhalten versteht und den Krankenhausbetrieb optimiert.

Das ist kein Science-Fiction-Stoff mehr; Es ist die Realität, die von KI-Tools für das Gesundheitswesen geschaffen wird. Von der Vorhersage von Patientenergebnissen über die Beschleunigung der Arzneimittelforschung bis hin zur Verbesserung der Telemedizin sind diese Tools das Herzstück der Revolution im Gesundheitswesen.


Predicts & manages chronic diseases for healthcare.


Suki AI is an advanced voice assistant specifically tailored for healthcare professionals


proudP is a mobile app for men’s prostate and urinary health, a FDA Class II medical device that tracks and measures urine flow with 98% clinical accuracy.


Wysa is an AI-powered mental health platform that provides anonymous, safe, and free support for individuals struggling with negative thoughts and emotions.


JADBio is a no-code machine learning tool that automates the discovery of biomarkers, making it ideal for researchers in drug discovery, biomarker identification, and response to treatment studies.


Rejuve is an innovative decentralized network that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and collective collaboration to advance longevity research.


KAI Conversations is a conversation analyzer that empowers brands and individuals with deep insights to make informed decisions.


Medication information and analysis.


Your Personal AI-Powered Mental Health Companion


Rayscape is an advanced AI solution for radiology that enhances X-ray and CT imaging accuracy and efficiency through deep learning algorithms.


Increase the Efficiency of your Medical Coding by Automating Workflows


ONVY is an AI-powered health and performance optimization tool that offers personalized advice and guidance to help users improve their physical and mental health.


Generate a DDx/clinical plan from a short diagnostic problem representation


Medgic is a tool designed for scanning, analyzing, and detecting skin problems.


Optimierte Vorhersage der Babyschlafzeit basierend auf Schlafdaten.

0 is an AI-powered content generation tool specifically designed for healthcare and medical writers.


KinesteX is an AI-powered fitness and physiotherapy app that offers personalized workouts, real-time feedback, and monitoring by health instructors.


Inspiring wellness audio by experts and celebs.


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