

This tool, called Guru, is a really smart chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to help people on WhatsApp. It understands conversations really well and gives accurate and personalized answers. It’s available 24/7, so you can get help anytime you need it. Guru also respects your privacy and keeps your chats and information confidential.
Some of the things you can use Guru for are getting quick answers to general questions, getting personalized advice and recommendations, and getting support on different topics. It’s like having a personal assistant right in WhatsApp!
AI productivity tools like Guru have a lot of benefits. They help you manage your time better, automate tasks, and make better decisions. For example, AI-powered virtual assistants can handle your schedule, set reminders, and answer questions, freeing up your time for more important things. AI tools can also analyze and summarize large amounts of text, which is really helpful when you have a lot of information to go through. And they can even predict timelines and allocate resources for projects, making planning and execution more efficient.

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