

This tool called SiteGuide is really helpful for people visiting websites. It uses advanced technology to understand what visitors are asking and gives them instant answers and guidance. It’s like having a virtual assistant who can understand your voice.
One great feature of SiteGuide is that it is trained specifically for each website, so it knows exactly where to find the information you’re looking for. This means you can quickly and easily find the things you need on a website.
SiteGuide also helps website owners by analyzing what visitors are searching for. It can tell if there are any gaps in the website’s content, so the owner knows what areas to improve. Plus, it can even communicate with visitors through text messages in real-time.
Overall, using SiteGuide can greatly improve the experience for both visitors and website owners. It helps people find what they need quickly and easily, and it can even boost sales by making the whole process smoother. It’s like having a friendly guide to help you navigate the website and find everything you’re looking for.

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