This tool, called Promptitude, is designed to help developers who create software and mobile apps. It allows them to easily create, test, manage, and improve prompts using just one simple command.
Some key features of this tool include:
– Prompt management: Developers can handle all their prompts in one place, from development to testing and improvement.n- Integration with an easy-to-use API: The tool does all the hard work like organizing the results, handling errors, keeping logs, and getting feedback from users.n- User feedback for prompt improvement: Developers can collect feedback from users, sort through logs to find good and bad prompt results, and make quick improvements.n- Prompt Library: There is a collection of pre-made prompts for common situations, making it easier for developers to get started.
Here are some examples of how developers can use Promptitude:
– They can enhance their software or app with the power of GPT (a language model technology).n- They can create advanced prompts to improve user experience and engagement.n- They can effortlessly create, test, and manage GPT prompts.n- They can gather user feedback and use it to improve prompts promptly.n- They can find and use prompts that are commonly used in different situations.
Overall, this tool helps developers manage and improve prompts easily with just one integrated API, regardless of the provider they are using.

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