

This tool called SpellPrints is creating a platform for creators to make and earn money from applications that use Artificial Intelligence (AI). The platform has over 1,000 AI models, user interface elements, and a way for creators to get paid. You don’t need to know how to code to use this tool. With it, creators can turn prompts or AI models into applications that can be sold on a marketplace. Creators set a price for each use of their AI app, and when users pay to use it, the creators get a share of the revenue. SpellPrints takes a 20% commission from the sales. Creators are responsible for the costs of running the AI models, and after those deductions, they receive the remaining revenue. This tool has many benefits, like boosting creativity, generating better content, and saving time. It can be used for things like creating content, generating ideas, and translating languages quickly and accurately.

Modèle de prix:
