This tool, MIDI-GPT, is a special version called Repl37. It uses a powerful technology called GPT-3.5-turbo and a method called few-shot prompting. Its main purpose is to create MIDI files from written instructions in a natural language.
One of its useful functions is called calculate(). It uses a program called NumPy to find different mathematical values from a 3×3 matrix. This includes finding the average, variance, standard deviation, highest number, lowest number, and the sum of all the numbers in the matrix.
Additionally, this tool has a fun project where it uses a loop to display numbers starting from 1 up to 100. However, one number is missing, and the user must input that missing number to exit the loop. It’s a creative way to engage with the tool.
Lastly, the tool has made a change to how MIDI files are saved. The file name of the MIDI is now set to the name of the track being created.

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